Inglaterra⁄Colômbia, vive nos Estados Unidos, 1978
A GENTE RIO, 2016 Vídeo 30’, desenhos e fotografias em dimensões variáveis
A Gente Rio (2016), produzida para a 32ª Bienal de Artes de São Paulo, em exibição nesta mostra, trata da vida implicada nos rios e em suas margens. A obra é composta por distintos elementos, como montagens de fotografias de satélite das usinas hidrelétricas de Itaipu e de Belo Monte, e do antes e depois do rompimento da represa de Bento Rodrigues (Mariana, MG); um vídeo, feito por Caycedo nessas regiões; e desenhos, que contam as narrativas dos rios Yuma (Colômbia), Yaqui (México), Elwha (EUA), Watu, conhecido como Rio Doce e Iguaçu (Brasil) como entidades vivas dotadas de histórias. Essa obra integra um projeto maior, intitulado A Gente Rio—Be Dammed [A Gente Rio—Barrado seja] (2016).
England⁄Colombia, lives in the United States of America, 1978
Video 30’, drawings and photographs with different dimensions
A Gente Rio (2016), produced for the 32nd Biennial of Arts of São Paulo, on display at this show, deals with the life implied in rivers and on its banks. The work is made up of different elements, such as satellite photo montages of the Itaipu and Belo Monte hydroelectric plants, and before and after the environmental disaster caused by the dam failure at the Bento Rodrigues dam (Mariana, MG); a video, made by Caycedo in those regions; and drawings, which tell the narratives of the rivers Yuma (Colombia), Yaqui (Mexico), Elwha (USA), Watu, known as Rio Doce and Iguaçu (Brazil) as living entities endowed with stories. This work is part of a larger project titled A Gente Rio—Be Dammed (2016)
Carolina Caycedo focuses her practice on the discussion of contexts impacted by major infrastructural works of developmental character. In her recent research, she analyzes the environmental and social damages related to the construction of dams and the control of natural water courses. Through the involvement with groups and communities affected by these transformations, the artist investigates ideas of flow, assimilation, resistance, representation, control, nature and culture.